Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Every time I let her out...

Freedom can be a dangerous thing. She makes all the bad choices while I try to protect. She opens doors I try to keep closed. She puts everything she has out on the line and ends up a disaster, while I'm left to try and put her back together again. She was barely strong enough to hold on when she broke free and tried believe. I would say she should be punished for these poor choices, but it is happening without me. She will inevitibly return with an offering of more broken shards from a crystal heart. This time they should be destroyed to prevent further damage. She disagrees...Of course.
For now, I just wait.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

There is no safe word in World Domination.

Title says it all...this is my life.

   If there was a safe word that could stop me from verbalizing the thoughts that emerge from my mind, it would be interesting to see how many people would use it on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. I'm not known for utilizing my internal edit button which has often led to those, 'did I just say that out loud,' moments.
The reasons this works for me:
1. I can't lie. I'm too animated and you can see exactly how I feel written all over my face.
2. Only in being very open and honest about my feelings (even when it is uncomfortable) am I able to discover the truth around me. Though it's important to lock the heart out of the equation because it tends to be deceptive and can cloud the vision on this quest.  
     I find that if my intent is positive, that is the manner in which it is received is generally positive. Negative intent is a waste of energy and usually only leads to more stress for me, so I avoid it as much as possible.